About Us

Learn who we are and what we do

Why Choose Us

With our range of products you are sure to get the best value for your money at all times and we deliver on all of our mandates, Voucher Net is a brand you can trust to always be there for you.

Our Mission

Empower small business owners to be more efficient and profitable by deploying Vouchernet transaction solutions at their businesses premises.

Our Vision

To have Vouchernet devices, services and transaction solutions within 300m walking distance in every neighborhood in every country we operate.

Core values

Our core values are in the acronym “R I S E N”.

Respect for our clients and stakeholders by delivering reliable services
Integrity in all our interactions; our staff will be valued for this quality
Secured and safer transactions so our clients feel safe with us
Excellence in service quality by deploying innovative technology
Novel ideas shall be developed to remain a preferred solutions provider

Our Team

We have a team that’s passionate about our business

Jude Atebe

Founding member / CEO

Mrs. Ononuju Irukwu

Non-Executive Director

Harrison Kabi


Joy Okocha

Customer Relations Manager